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Teacher Training

36hr In Person Yin Training with Jennifer Elliott at Yoga Yoga
24421 Walnut Street
Newhall, CA 91321
(661) 222-7777

9/14-9/15, 9/28-9/29, 10/12-10/13, 2024


Yin Yoga uses floor-based postures held for prolonged periods of time to nourish the fascial tissues and stimulate the deeper energetic channels in the body.

Over the first 4 days of this training, Jennifer will guide you from the physical body to the subtle bodies, using the Koshas as a tool to aid in your journey of self-discovery. Each day will consist of a deep Yin practice based on 1 of the 5 Koshas, followed with pranayama and meditation. At the end of each day, we’ll dive deeper into the theory and practical work of the Yin practice. The last 2 days will have a similar daily schedule but will explore the facial lines and the Meridians.

Jennifer’s lectures on the anatomical body will give a structured foundation in which students will feel confident in sequencing safe and effective Yin practices for themselves and others. Once the foundation is built then the deeper layers of the practice can be taught through work on the subtle bodies which will be investigated through breathwork and meditation.

In this training you will learn:

· Physical aspects of Yin: Anatomy and Physiology, Sequencing, Props and Injury Management, Fascia Lines

· Energetic aspects of Yin: Koshas, Chi and Prana, Meridians, Nadis, Vayus

· Mental aspects of Yin: Pranayama, Chanting and Meditation

Required Book for the course: ‘Insight Yoga’ by Sarah Powers



300 hour Professional Mentor Program
YogaWorks Virtual training
August 2022 - January 2023

Once you’ve laid down the foundation from the 200hr training, you are ready to build the framework with the knowledge you’ll attain from this apprenticeship program. The Professional Program is broken down into the 6 month mentorship and the 6 month weekend workshops in Westwood. You can take them both at the same time or begin first with the apprenticeship. The apprenticeship includes assisting your mentor once a week in group classes, taking at least one class a week from your mentor, bi-monthly meetings and practice teaching. Mentoring for the program since 2011, Jennifer has developed a comprehensive training specializing in sequencing, injury management, subtle body, and Pranayama.

For more information on YogaWorks teacher trainings
Email Rasha at  rasha@yogaworks.com

Jennifer's 300hr professional mentorship program is packed with quality material. She provides you with the proper tools and then walks you through step by step, week by week and shows you HOW to implement the material into real classes with "real" students. Her program will leave you feeling prepared, confident, focused and ready to teach! -Sherri Gleason


12 hrs of applied anatomy

This course will be an introduction to the universal language of anatomy, with a primary focus on skeletal & muscular system anatomy appropriate for knowledge & application to the Pilates repertoire. Course content will also be geared toward preparing the Pilates professional for the assessment of the Pilates client. The course will consist of lecture & discussion, as well as a movement & problem-solving lab.

In this 12-hour course, students will:

• Become familiar with anatomical terms & concepts
• Improve understanding of the body from an anatomical perspective
• Build a foundation for smart, safe & effective movement
• Build a foundation for communication with professionals in related fields
• Gain an introductory understanding of common postural & functional problems & physical limitations

12 hour training, 12 CECs available

Science was never my strong suit in school. To become a yoga teacher, one at some point in time will need to study Anatomy. So when this subject came around in my first 200 hour TT I was quite anxious. In walked Jennifer Elliott with Mr. Bones (scale replica of the human skeletal system), Anatomy Workbook, Laptop, folding chair, and Atlas of Anatomy! In short order my fear diminished and my perspective began to change quickly. Jennifer displayed a passion and command of Anatomy that was nothing short of inspirational. She took the class through not easy subjects of planes of movement, spine and core stability, shoulder and hip joints etc with fluid expertise. What looked to be 16 hours of very dry challenging material actually awakened a sincere interest in anatomy. I have studied with Jennifer twice after my initial 200 hour TT. Jennifer’s instruction has made me a better Yoga student and put me on firm footing to become a good Yoga teacher one day. Every student I know who has studied with Jennifer feels the same way.

Walter Gregory
200 hour TT Yoga Works
February 2010

For more information about this training email Jennifer at Jen@JenniferElliottYoga.com


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